Tips For Millennials on How to Achieve Financial Freedom


Here’s a noteworthy article from the Business Insider called You Control Your Money or Money Controls You.

There is a lot of good advice here. This one’s both helpful and very insightful:

For those that are in debt, Lowrey advocates for a “debt attack plan.” This could either be a debt snowball approach, in which a debtor pays down their debts in order of the smallest balance to largest balance, or a debt avalanche approach in which the borrower pays down their debts in order of highest interest rate to lowest. 

Lowry says that the debt snowball approach “makes your brain happy” because of the psychological confidence and motivation that comes hand-in-hand with alleviating an obligation. However, the debt avalanche approach makes more sense mathematically.

Don’t let money control you. Get more tips at the link below…

Read the source article at Business Insider