Money – one hand takes it, the other gives it away. It’s a perpetual cycle that many of us don’t think much about until that bill needs paying and the account is empty! It’s frustrating, and it holds you back from enjoying your life to its fullest.
However, gaining control over your finances is possible with a little focus and a shift in mindset. The bonus is, with financial literacy for women also comes enormous empowerment, the ability to know your worth and the confidence to ask for it.
“Getting in charge of your mind, your mood and your money will change your life! Personal power is a huge mantra of mine,” said keynote speaker and stand-up motivator, Lisa O’Neill.
Lisa has had a life-long obsession with helping people look and feel their best. She began her career in the fashion industry and in 2013, wrote her first book, Look Gorgeous, Be Happy.
From here, she ran women’s events and worked in the media, before realising she wanted to help women transform themselves not just on the outside, but from the inside as well. Lisa is now a highly sought-after keynote speaker on topics including empowerment, energy, leadership, time management and freedom.
When it comes to women and money, Lisa believes knowledge and support are critical factors to regaining control and opening the doors to a more powerful, abundant life. For her, this knowledge and support came through joining Thought Leaders Business School in 2015. Although she had been running her own business for 15 years, she recognised gaps in her knowledge that were holding back her earnings. She needed greater accountability and new skills to help her take her business to the next level.
While working with mentors at the School, Lisa became more aware of her approach to finances and how her beliefs and thought patterns tied in strongly to her monetary success. With guidance, she discovered a whole new way of thinking that benefited not just herself, but those around her.
“Investing in myself and seeking out like-minded people has completely changed my business,” she said.
“I now understand the value that I can offer my clients. I have levelled up everything that I do. By surrounding myself with people who are in similar industries but with more or different experience, I have been able to learn and grow so much. I believe It is super important to surround yourself with people who understand you and what you are trying to achieve. Making the investment to improve and level up my business has allowed me to teach others how to do the same. I am now able to help others to do what I have done.”
So, how can you similarly take charge of your financial freedom and enjoy the refreshing level of power that Lisa found?
Step 1: Put down the shame.
Money matters affect all of us, even those who seem to have plenty in the bank. There is no shame in seeking help and striving to better your life. Lisa said her mentor Peter Cook, taught her ‘that we are all dysfunctional around money’ – what a relief!
Step 2: Get some help.
There are many resources available now to tap into, both online and in the real world. Ask around; you may even have a money-savvy friend or family member who can help.
“Too many of us hide from our financial reality and do not give ourselves the benefit of great advice and support. This applies equally to those who have money but are not being smart with it,” Lisa said.
Step 3: Understand your beliefs about money.
Our beliefs around money and how we handle it often comes from many years back. These beliefs become ingrained over time, and it can be challenging to understand why we act a certain way. It is critical to unlock the beliefs that may be holding you back, take time to think about how you feel around money issues, and what is important to you when it comes to financial control.
Step 4: Pay attention to where your money goes.
The best way to do this is with good old-fashioned tracking. It may be painful for a while, but writing down (or using a handy app) is so useful in seeing where you spend and identifying unnecessary splurging. As Lisa realised, “Before I started tracking my spending, I was leaking money everywhere!”
Once you have reached out for help and are more aware of your spending habits, you will gradually gain the financial freedom you have longed for. With this, comes power and the confidence to ask for what you need and want, and your success will snowball.
“I believe that money is energy – a currency that we exchange with others. Knowing your value and asking for it is the greatest thing I learnt during my time at Business School,” Lisa said.