Bloggers on FIRE: Who to Follow if You want to Gain “Financial Independence and Retire Early”

The “Financial Independence, Retire Early” (FIRE) idea is gaining traction, and here are 9 blogs that you should consider reading if FIRE is one of your goals. Kelly Anne Smith of Forbes Magazine shares the 9 bloggers who are at the forefront of this movement–and 6 of these are women!

Here’s something I found interesting from the anonymous blogger behind Frugal Girl:

The money is one thing, but the bigger goal should be to find the current joy in living,” she says. “Even if you reach a million dollars you can be miserable. You should be able to say there was joy along the way, there was fun along the way, companionship and good times. That all gets lost sometimes in the FI community and the quest for money — but these should be the goals the whole way through.”

Ready to get inspired? Read about more stories by clicking on the full article.

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